Saturday, April 5, 2008


Overall this past week has been mostly devoted to the book of Galatians, learning the historical context of the scripture, observing the text verse by verse, interpreting what it meant to the original readers, and how I can personally apply the principles to my present day life. The main idea of the book is how the Galatians were so caught up in legalism that it took their eyes of God and distanced themselves from him. They were defining their relationship with God as something they had to achieve in order to be declared righteous in his sight when they had already been declared righteous when they first embraced the gospel. I have learnt so much from this book alone and have already noticed the fruit of it being realized in my own life. Sometimes i think i need to 'do' more in order to be accepted by God. I have to read my bible for a certain amount of time and pray for a certain amount of time every day or else God wont bless me. This is legalism and it will only distance me from God. I think about this school and how i could so easily get wrapped up in knowing the bible that i never let it into my heart. One of the things our school leader said to us on the first day was if we were here only to get head knowledge of the bible we we're here for the wrong reason. The bible is a great if it used for the right purpose. The next 9 months is an opportunity to expand my capacity for loving God and loving other people. If I don't do this, my time here will be a waste. 97% of people in Taiwan don't know Jesus so i want to be intentional about being a light here. "To whom much is given, much is received".
The workload has been overwhelming at times, I've never had to think this hard in my life but am looking forward to the challenge. Also, I've had the opportunity to lead worship for our school so I'm excited to get involved with that. It was awesome, there was a Fijian guy who played the piano, a guy from New York who played his acoustic and a guy from Taiwan who sung with us all representing 4 different countries worshiping God in harmony, it was a beautiful thing.
Tomorrow we're starting the book of Titus, so we'll see what that brings.
Thank you for prayers.
In the service of Jesus Christ

1 comment:

Ed & Jo-Ann said...

Great Galatians Jer!!!
Thanks for your correspondence with us 'back home in the snow'. (Literally...just finished rippin' up Silver Star on the final day of the season! Fresh snow, some sunshine, and awesome company of Lawsons, Greens, and Karrans up at the Chalet.) You inspire us Jer. Keep listenin for our Father's direction for your life. He's crazy about yer passion to serve Him (ours too)! Glad to be your brother & sister in Christ!
Ed & Jo-Ann (April6th).